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Ellen O'Brien

Community Yard Sale Raises $400 for the Students

Community Yard Sale Supported the Connestee Falls Student Scholarship Program On Saturday, July 8, Connestee Falls held a well-attended community yard sale. Vender tables were numerous and interesting. None was more interesting, however, than the table supporting the Connestee Falls Student Program. Wares were donated by residents of both Connestee Falls and Brevard. There were some real finds such as 60 cup coffee urns, stainless steel ice tubs, clothing for both men and women and Department 56 Christmas collectibles. Some items were just fun such as the light-up reindeer antler hat modeled by an anonymous purchaser. The table raised $400. Unsold items were donated to SAFE for sale in their two stores. Our thanks to all who donated and all who shopped!

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