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Learn about the Scholarship Endowment Tuesday, June 25th, 2 p.m.

Mark your calendars for a special program to be presented by the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina on Tuesday, June 25, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in the Cherokee Room. The CFWNC manages the newly established Connestee Falls Student Scholarship Program Endowment.

Explore how to create a plan for charitable giving that maximizes tax advantages; hear an introduction to charitable gift planning terms and concepts, with special attention to the topics most relevant to giving after tax reform; and learn about tax advantaged ways to make a difference now and in the future. There will be time for Q & A.

The Community Foundation of WNC is a nonprofit organization established in 1978 to build a permanent pool of charitable capital for the eighteen counties of Western North Carolina. They work with individuals, families and corporations to create and manage charitable funds and make grants to nonprofits or public agencies in our region. For more information about the CFWNC, visit their website at

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